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    Canada PR process Step by Step

    Canada is one of the most immigrant-friendly countries in the world and has introduced over 100 immigration programs to make it easier for people from all over the world to migrate to the country either for studying, working, vacationing, or permanently settling down.

    But with 100s of programs, comes 100s of rules, and not following even a single one of them might cost you your application. Yes, you read it right!

    You have to be very precise and check your application thrice to confirm that it is 100% error-less. Even a slight error can reject your application and you wouldn’t want that. So, it is always advised to consult an authorized Canadian Immigration consultant, who, with their years of expertise in this field can help you flawlessly throughout your entire Visa procedure.

    But even if you follow all the rules, get accepted, and fly to Canada, you might even face difficulties post-landing. Why?

    Because it’s a new and unfamiliar country. No matter the internet browsing, you always need to be situation-ready.

    So, below we have noted down the steps that should be followed for a successful Canadian PR Visa application process.

    1. Check for inadmissibility

    The very first step to follow for a successful Canadian PR Visa Process, before planning your next life in Canada is that, check if you are admissible into the country or not. Canada has a set of rules or benchmarks for immigrants that determines if they are eligible to enter the country or not. Below are the rules, bring a pen and tick the below points:

    2. Research and choose the best program out of the 100 options for you

    Canada has made it easier for immigrants from all over the world to migrate to Canada by introducing over 100 immigration programs, for every purpose. So, you should research every program out of all the visa programs by both federal and provincial governments. There are differences in the requirements of every program and some might be easier for you than others.

    You will find many programs with specific rules like some might be suitable for shifting with family, some might be dedicated to working permits, some might be study visa programs and some might be entirely dedicated to PRs. So, to choose the best out of all, you are advised to consult a Canadian Immigration Consultancy due to their expertise in this field.

    3. Collect all the required documents

    Make a checklist of all the required documents, gather them and keep them in a folder along with the checklist. If you find that any document is missing, apply for it immediately. You should also ensure that none one the documents expires while the visa process is going on. If the expiry date of any of the documents is around, renew them.

    One more important thing to remember is to translate all the documents into English or French. Even French would work as Canada is a country with two official languages: English and French.

    4. Submit the Biometric

    You will also need to submit your biometrics, so visit your nearest biometric center when the time comes and get it done without any delays.

    5. Fill the form and re-check thoroughly

    Now, this is the crucial part where no mistakes can be allowed. Even the slightest mistake can cost you your application so fill the form with utmost accuracy and recheck them thoroughly for any mistake. Better to hand over the process to experienced immigration consultants.

    6. Submit the Form

    After reviewing the application and the documents, submit the form and click enter!

    Let’s hope for the best now!

    For more information on Canadian Immigration Process or Canadian PR Visa programs, consult the most trusted Canadian PR Visa Consultant in Delhi/NCR now! Call us, +91-730-345-0222 or email

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