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    British Columbia Marked Its Latest PNP Draw on 21st September 2022​

    On September 21, 2022, the province of British Columbia marked its latest PNP draw and sent out a total of 357 Invitations To Apply For Permanent Residency.
    Out of the total 357 invitations, 341 invitations were distributed among the following subcategories:
    The minimum CRS score for the Skilled Worker and Skilled Worker EEBC option was 91 points. While that of the International graduate and International Graduate EEBC options were 86 points. And the minimum score for the Entry Level and Semi-Skilled categories was 70 points.
    The remaining 11 and 5 invitations were sent out to the candidates from the Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option) category and Skilled Worker, International Graduate, Entry Level, and Semi-Skilled (includes EEBC option) categories, respectively.
    The minimum scores for both invitations were 60 points.

    What is a Provincial Nominee Program?​

    Provincial Nominee Program or PNP is a visa program that is part of every province and territory of Canada.
    Each Canadian province and territory has its own provincial nominee program and it has its own sub-categories.
    The sub-categories are made according to each province’s workforce and population requirements.

    British Columbia PNP​

    After extensive labor market research, it came to the front that the only thing standing in between BC and its job industry’s growth was the exposure to talent. This is when the BC PNP was introduced.
    BC PNP helps the province in recruiting and increasing its population and meeting its workforce requirements by recruiting immigrants from all parts of the world and awarding them with PR.
    Applicants who apply for the PR through the PNP programs receive an extra 600 points for their CRS score. This increases their chance of getting PR even more.
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