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    Manitoba PNP latest Draw​

    On September 8, 2022, the province of Manitoba held its latest draw through various streams of the MPNP.
    The draw invited 217 candidates from the Skilled Workers stream, with the lowest CRS of 616 points. It also issued ITAs to 41 candidates through the International Education Stream and 20 ITAs were issued to Candidates from the Skilled Workers Overseas category.
    Out of the total 278 ITAs issued by the province of Manitoba in the recent draw, candidates who claimed a working Express Entry ID and job seeker validation code received 76.

    Some Important Points to Consider​

    Manitoba PNP​

    Just like any other PNPs, the province of Manitoba also hosts its own PNPs. It has many sub-streams to meet its job requirements, population requirements, etc.
    Manitoba PNP Categories-
    Candidates for the Manitoba PNP must have some connection to Manitoba and must receive at least 60 points to be considered for the position. No matter how many points they receive, applicants without a link to Manitoba will not be permitted to submit an application.

    Relying on the applicant’s suitability and how quickly the provincial government of Manitoba processes applications, the procedure may take 12 to 15 months. The processing period typically lasts four months and is distinct from the 12- to 15-month processing period as a whole.

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